Once more into the abyss

When I thought of the cataracts of books, the Niagaras of books, the rushing rivers of books, the oceans of books, the tons and truckloads and trainloads of books that were pouring off the presses of the world at that moment, only a very few of which would be worth picking up and looking at, […]

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Connect me, dawg…

My past performance in open online courses might be described as sluggish and non-responsive, but Connected Courses looks too fun and useful to simply roll over for… Here’s hoping this post (intended to allow the CC Blog Hub to get its hook into me) is not the end of my contribution.

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Privacy in a Big Data Post-Privacy World

It’s always a pleasure to participate in a workshop hosted by BC’s Educational Technology Users Group. This year’s event did not disappoint, and I had the pleasure of attending provocative and thoughtful sessions on maker culture, open educational practice, portfolios, and OER. I’m always struck by how carefully facilitators and speakers prepare their sessions, and […]

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