Just give up, I guess

Last week, Bill 22 passed first reading in the British Columbia legislature. The bill purports to “strengthen access to information” (by introducing a fee for freedom of information requests) and “protect people’s privacy” (by weakening provisions such as data residency requirements which encourage the use of Canadian hosting). The bill has support from leaders in […]

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Someone’s stalled again

While reading this post I suggest you listen to this music clip (embedded below). And after you are done with this post you should play it on a neverending loop until you achieve the nirvana-like state of Excellence. I’ve been on this fanfare regimen for a couple days now, and I’m feeling so Excellent it […]

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The Upside of Down

If my recent post riffing on Waves seemed unduly alarmist (and I worried that it was, until I picked up my newspaper), you might want to check out someone who covers this ground with considerably more authority. I listened to this podcast interview (23:24min) with Thomas Homer-Dixon almost immediately after I wrote that post, and […]

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If it was a wiki I might have corrected it and spared you this blog post…

Syd doing his part to clean trash from the streets So yesterday I was on the bus (late and overcrowded, as usual, screw you Translink) reading an article in my morning paper on Vancouver’s impending city workers strike: With the relationship between the city and the unions already strained, an e-mail surfaced yesterday from city […]

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