All you do is do it, do it..

I have long had my misgivings about Edupunk. I know the idea is pure in Jim Groom’s heart, and I have gotten a kick out of seeing how the idea has resonated in unexpected places. But too often the baggage associated with “punk” seemed to overwhelm and distract from what I thought was a fairly simple idea […]

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Stephen Downes’s recently wrote a post on the great rebranding of MOOCs, arguing “MOOCs were not designed to serve the missions of the elite colleges and universities. They were designed to undermine them, and make those missions obsolete.” It clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people I know, generating a remarkable amount of […]

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I’m one of many people having a blast listening to and helping to program Radio ds106 (widget on the sidebar)… While at first glance it is something that seems superfluous and even gratuitous (“…a course with its own radio station?”) its provided a fun means for people to collaborate in a loose yet integrated way, […]

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