
Sitting here in the quiet cozy confines of the departure lounge in the Kamloops airport, and it feels like a significant departure point in other ways as well. I’m about to head off for a two week jaunt along the US west coast, much of it riding shotgun for the Bava’s game repair scavenger hunt. […]

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Shortly after Charles Manson died, a couple droll Tweets by Kaleb Horton crossed my feed: They hit me as funny enough to check out Horton’s The Last Exit Show podcast, and I was not disappointed that the most recent episode opened with a monologue that carried on the Mike Love bashing with a certain élan. […]

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All you do is do it, do it..

I have long had my misgivings about Edupunk. I know the idea is pure in Jim Groom’s heart, and I have gotten a kick out of seeing how the idea has resonated in unexpected places. But too often the baggage associated with “punk” seemed to overwhelm and distract from what I thought was a fairly simple idea […]

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