Hits, misses and runs

Some things I might have posted to Twitter… if Twitter wasn’t run by this guy. So yes. Elon Musk picked a fight with a wheelchair-using Icelandic entrepreneur with muscular distrophy on a public twitter thread, hoping to humiliate a parasitic do-nothing employee, and instead revealed the damage done as he continues to smash his $44 […]

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The day that Don McLean died

Preamble soundtrack: Bat Hearse, “The Day Don McLean Died” One of the ways I’m a bad blogger is failing to post about the good stuff when it happens. Usually because the best moments are the hardest to get right, and I worry about seeming obnoxious in celebration, showing the right amount of gratitude, or trying […]

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First gig

A sudden chorus of whoops and yibbles burst from a kind of juke box at the far end of the room. Everybody quit talking. The bartender tiptoed back, with the drinks. “What’s happening?” Oedipa whispered. “That’s by Stockhausen,” the hip graybeard informed her, “the early crowd tends to dig your Radio Cologne sound. Later on […]

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Shortly after Charles Manson died, a couple droll Tweets by Kaleb Horton crossed my feed: They hit me as funny enough to check out Horton’s The Last Exit Show podcast, and I was not disappointed that the most recent episode opened with a monologue that carried on the Mike Love bashing with a certain élan. […]

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