In the web: spider or moth?

I have had a couple months to settle into the more operational role I outlined in my previous post. It has gone much as expected… A typical day weaves together sensations of satisfaction, frustration, hope, fatalism, learning, failure, anxiety… I’m not throwing any pity parties. In the grand scheme, I am in a good place. […]

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Sound stories

Audio Book flickr photo shared CC by The Preiser Project It’s been so long since I wrote in this space, it’s a hole too deep to climb out. I won’t try to catch up today. But this post concerns an ongoing digital storymaking seminar called the You Show. If you want to know more about […]

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Connect me, dawg…

My past performance in open online courses might be described as sluggish and non-responsive, but Connected Courses looks too fun and useful to simply roll over for… Here’s hoping this post (intended to allow the CC Blog Hub to get its hook into me) is not the end of my contribution.

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