Underperforming sentences… near-bursting with sublimated rage.

He stalks the land, wielding power with natural ease, authority unquestioned. Infallibility assured. Evidence in reported word and deed. Proof of potency performed by proxy in exotic locales.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, incomprehensible acts proclaim their own irresistible force. Ineptitude is simultaneously real and s(t)imulated. Breakdowns serve a purpose. They confuse the ignorant, occupy the indignant, and amuse the indifferent. They validate the spectacle and tempt disloyal subjects to reveal themselves. They rouse the faithful to displays of fealty.

A show of strength is an affirmation and pre-empts incursion. Gather the spoils, leave the messes to the masses. And everyone will want to be your friend.

There is no happy time to be weak, but none worse than when the strong know they cannot be stopped.

Who do They think They are? They don’t care what We think. They’re not even bothering to hide it anymore.

Signed, The Renaissance Kid

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