Privacy in a Big Data Post-Privacy World

Lamb and Dr. Jones
Photo by tara robertson

It’s always a pleasure to participate in a workshop hosted by BC’s Educational Technology Users Group. This year’s event did not disappoint, and I had the pleasure of attending provocative and thoughtful sessions on maker culture, open educational practice, portfolios, and OER. I’m always struck by how carefully facilitators and speakers prepare their sessions, and how actively engaged the attendees are. I’m so grateful to the many people who make this network of BC educators such a valuable community and resource.

For my session, I deliberately chose a topic that I did not feel at all like an expert. I’ve blogged about my confusion with the implications of our province’s protection of privacy law on a couple of occasions. I knew I could not offer an authoritative set of clear recommendations, but I tried to articulate some of the gaps that exist in our current understanding. I also tried to pull on some of the tensions in light of what we have learned over the past year about the scale of online surveillance from government and corporate entities, as well as the troubling state of online security in general. I conducted a highly unscientific online poll at the beginning of the session, and apparently I am not alone in my confusion and concern:


Given that wallowing in doom-laden ambiguity would be my mode, I was thrilled that once again I was able to have Dr. Jones live-DJ with me. Because we live in different cities, our preparation was done almost entirely remotely, and we couldn’t do anything like a rehearsal, yet I think our respective parts meshed much better this time. I hope that comes through in the audio mix. Again, I can’t express how much Jason brought to this session as a collaborator, and I hope we get to do this again.

I’ve put cues on bottom-right of the slides, hopefully it is easy to scroll along with the audio if that’s what people want to do.

Download Session Audio (41 MB MP3)

References below the jump.


References, Citations, Inspirations
(More or less in order of when they were used…)

The opening “terms” for the session were derived from the website for the documentary Terms and Conditions May Apply.

Background on FIPPA:

Recently revised BC Privacy Impact Assessment Process (PIA)

TRU Writing Centre Disclaimer

Julia Hengstler, The Compliance Continuum: FIPPA & BC Public Educators

Eben Moglen, Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy

Bruce Schneier, The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back

Sam Stein, Obama Administration On PRISM Program: ‘Only Non-U.S. Persons Outside The U.S. Are Targeted’

The Guardian, Procedures used by NSA to target non-US persons: Exhibit A – full document

Glenn Greenwald, How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Emma Gilchrist, The Day I Found Out the Canadian Government Was Spying on Me

Mark Hume, RCMP, intelligence agency accused of spying on pipeline opponents

Lisa M. Austin, Heather Black, Michael Geist, Avner Levin and Ian Kerr, Our data, our laws

Evgeny Morozov, The Snowden saga heralds a radical shift in capitalism

Leo Mirani and Max Nisen, The nine companies that know more about you than Google or Facebook

US Federal Trade Commission FTC Recommends Congress Require the Data Broker Industry to be More Transparent and Give Consumers Greater Control Over Their Personal Information

Yasha Levine, The Everywhere Store: Civil libertarians welcome Amazon’s drone army

Yasha Levine, Google’s for-profit surveillance problem

Matt Haughey, On the Future of MetaFilter

Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan, That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker.

Maciej Cegłowski, The Internet With a Human Face

Peter Watts, A Suicide Bomber’s Guide to Online Privacy

Angelique Carson, If You Can’t Protect the Data, Burn It To the Ground

Communications Security Establishment Canada, New CSEC headquarters

Greg Weston, Inside Canada’s top-secret billion-dollar spy palace

Josh Wingrove, Canadians are lax on privacy, Senate committee hears

Greg Weston, Spy agency CSEC needs MPs’ oversight, ex-director says

Lee Berthiaume & Jason Fekete, Canada’s spy agency may have illegally targeted Canadians: watchdog

Peter Edwards, Canada actively spies for NSA, Glenn Greenwald claims in new book

Glenn Greenwald, No Place to Hide

Greg Weston, CSEC used airport Wi-Fi to track Canadian travellers: Edward Snowden documents

Alex Boutilier, Government agencies seek telecom user data at ‘jaw-dropping’ rates

Alex Boutilier, Federal government is ‘creeping’ your Facebook page

Thomas Walkom, Border refusal for depressed paraplegic shows Canada-U.S. security co-operation has gone too far: Walkom

Adrianne Jeffries, FICO may start including your Facebook presence in your credit score

Susana Mas, Cyberbullying bill won’t be split in 2, Peter MacKay says

Josh Wingrove, How new laws are about to change your privacy

Josh Wingrove, Privacy watchdog nominee balks at Bill C-13

Susan Cheng, UBC tries to protect student privacy on plagiarism-checking website, Turnitin

Stephanie Overby, The Patriot Act and Your Data: Should You Ask Cloud Providers About Protection?

AFP, US demands Hotmail overseas data

Michael Geist, Time for Canadian privacy regulators to take action on pervasive surveillance: Geist

IXMaps – see where your data packets go

Tyler Durden, What Google Knows About You

Quinn Norton, Everything is Broken

Bruce Schneier, The Human Side of Heartbleed

Bruce Schneier, Beyond Security Theater

danah boyd, It’s Complicated

danah boyd, Risk Reduction Strategies on Facebook

Cory Doctorow, You Are Not a Digital Native: Privacy in the Age of the Internet

Audrey Watters, The Future of Ed-Tech is a Reclamation Project #DLFAB

Audrey Watters, Student Data is the New Oil: MOOCs, Metaphor, and Money

Kin Lane, Projects

A Discussion with Audrey Watters and Kin Lane (Video)

19 thoughts on “Privacy in a Big Data Post-Privacy World

  1. Damn, kinda sad I missed this in person. Thanks for posting this. Is that @scottlo doing your intro?

  2. How would you like to give this presentation after or with my class at UBC Continuing Studies Digital Content and Communication in the fall?

  3. Pingback: Hielo del Diablo
  4. I participated in this workshop, as well, and I learned a lot. After coming home from that workshop, I took part in an escape room, and I implemented all the ideas that I acquired in the workshop. It worked to perfection.

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